Monday, October 3, 2011

Install problems continue...blame it on Windows 7

Correction to one of my original post. JAVA is not functionally on my home computer. I have JRE (JAVA netbeans) it seems nice to prettying up my code with all the spacing, colors, and by pointing out potential errors before I attempt to compile the code. I am striping all JAVA off my machine and re-re-installing JAVA (JDK) I hope it takes or else I will have to go and buy a CHEAP laptop.

Side Note: every time I turn on my home PC windows to make important and non-important upgrades. If Window 7 is always pushing updates/upgrades to Windows 7 how rushed and unstable with Windows 8 be???

Saturday, October 1, 2011

TCU engineers VS SMU engineers

TCU vs SMU today. The respective engineering dept. from both schools should meet for a flag football game on TCU's practice field. We can call it the Battle for the Iron Keyboard.

z/OS article

Reading the z/OS article brought back a flood of memories. It was like opening up an old trunk that held the operating systems and ghost of employeers past. I think it was a great article very informative. The article reinforced the belief that mainframes never die they just get better middleware and updated applications on the front end. I hate we couldn’t take the quiz as I got all the questions right which really stroked my ego in a good way.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello World

Hello World. I am just posting my first Blog post. I finally got Java to load on my home pc which is a good thing.